web blocker root教學

Call Blocker

Is someone bothering you? Call Blocker allows you to create a black list of numbers those who do not want to communicate with you, you can add from yo...

Call Blocker

Call Blocker application is useful to Block an Incoming Calls. Easy and lightweight, it does not consume any of your device's battery power. You can a...

Call Control - Call Blocker

阻止不需要的電話和短信,呼叫控制單元 - 社區呼叫阻塞應用程序!呼叫控制是排名第一的呼叫攔截器和黑名單的Andr​​oid應用程序超過400萬的用戶和供電的FCC謝絕來電登記! 為社區提供呼叫控制。為什麼是呼叫控制比其他應用程序有什麼不同? 簡單地說,呼叫控制利用一個龐大的社區用戶積極舉報垃圾郵件自...


I needed a break from SnapPhoto Pro so wrote this. It will hangup on any # (and wildcard of) in the defined list. Long press # to delete. You may hear...

Call Blocker

Call Blocker allows you to create a black list of numbers those who do not want to communicate with you, you can enter manually specified operators lo...