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Channel B

B頻道(Channel B)乃佛門網www.buddhistdoor.com所辦,結合了佛法趣談、生活智慧、文化知識、休閒資訊的影音頻網上電台。B頻道多元化的精彩節目包括:北傳、南傳、藏傳法師大德開示佛法;專家學者介紹文化知識;心理學家、醫生提供身心健康資訊;卓有成就的各界專業人士,分享人生經驗;當...

Garmin Exchanger

The program allows you to share data with a GPS receiver Garmin,connected via the USB host. Tested with the following devices GARMIN: - eTrex Legend ...


Evil organization assembled a group of cats is bad for large-scale destruction of the city, since ancient times, cats and dogs do not and, brave alien...