viera cast 中文化超連網功能


ViER means "4" in Germany. It's an exciting board game. Touch the piece and drag it to the new position. A piece can only be moved horizontally or...

Dashboard Cast

Dashboard Cast is a personalized homescreen for Chromecast. Create and organise widgets to your liking and display them on your TV. ---- This app is d...

SamyGo Remote

SamyGo Remote allows you to remote control the following Samsung TVs over the local network using Wifi: • B-Series from 2009 (Only with modifications,...

Remote Phone

Now control your phone through SMS. The app has the following features1. Switch your phone to Vibrate mode through SMS Syntax : "password" vibrate2. S...

miniTek Remote

在此下載miniTek (TM) 遙控器App應用程式,讓您的手機成為助聽器的遙控器! 有了這個便利的遙控器應用程式,您可以放下手邊林林總總的遙控器。利用智慧型手機開啟應用軟體與西門子miniTek聯結使用,就可以代替miniTek操控助聽器與其他音源裝置的所有連線功能。所以不管是收看電視、聆聽音...

USB Remote

Turns your Android device into USB keyboard and mouse. Requires InputStick USB receiver and InputStickUtility app. Works with any USB host (which sup...