
Unicode Pad

Input all characters in Unicode with UnicodePad.And input string can be copied to the clipboard or input directly by Mushroom.You can find out where s...


想要多种多样的特殊符号吗? Symbols 提供超过600个特殊符号。 提供圆形文字,数学符号,货币符号,箭头,括好等多种特殊符号。 提示 - 输入一个特殊符号的时候 不需要按 'clip to clip board' 键。  按一下需要的特殊符号后 在输入特殊符号的地方 长时间按住,再点 ‘粘贴’...


Te presentamos la mejor aplicación para encriptar tu clave de manera fácil y evita posibles filtraciones de informacion como Celebgate. Protege tus cu...


Introducing the fUNICODE app for Android, bringing all the power of the popular web-based transmogrifier to your fingertips! Turn your text upside dow...

Alt Touch

Alt Touch is a simple service application that allows you to quickly switch between the 2 most recent applications.The idea behind this service is to ...