tvbs看板人物 陳妍希


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看看板是一款简单易用灵活轻便的项目管理及团队时间管理工具,是面向移动时代开发的看板式任务管理产品。随时随地可以一目了然查看团队进展,记录创意想法分享灵感,摆脱传统繁冗复杂僵化死板的项目管理产品,让团队成员因便利的工具更加高效,更加快乐。 看板式:所有任务事项如看板般一目了然。 三要素:强化时间、责任...

Warrior Duck

"Ai Apaec" the cutthroat God is angry and has stolen the village reliques, now the youngest duckling has taken his defunct grandfather's weapons in or...

Memory Booster

Memory booster is an addictive fun brain training game which features a specially composed music track to improve memory, concentration and learning a...

Memory Boost

Memory Boost exercises spatial recall: the ability to remember an item’s location.Continuous training with spatial recall tasks can improve working me...