tune me on

Tune Me

Record hits with the voice effect made famous by T-Pain with Tune Me - Android's #1 pitch correction app. Take it the next level with beats from y...


Calcula las longitudes de anclaje, solapos, distancias y recubrimientos en estructuras de hormigón armado según la instrucción de Hormigón Estructural...

Turn me on

Logic game - never get boring ;)Goal is to make all squares green on board.Rules:1) You can connect squares by taping on one and drag to other2) there...

Turn Maze

Turn Maze is an addictive logical game where users have to find a path to complete the puzzle.Its a unique game with a network of paths and hedges des...

Turn Off Me

"Turn Off Me" is a simple puzzle game.Turning off all lights in 5x5 board is the goal.Touch one of the lights influences contiguous lights. 9 difficul...