truck mania 5

Truck Mania

You will be driving your monster truck through the dangerous high Rocky Mountains, you need managing time wisely, and balancing. It is an unprecedente...

Tank mania

內容介紹 : Pick your tank and destroy everything in your way as your drive to the finish line. Some obstacles are extra difficult so be sure to blast the...


內容介紹 : G 강하게 T 타격하면 A 아파.. 마이 아파.. ******************************************************** **** GTA5를 넘나드는 타격감의 자유도!! **** 언제까지 도시에서 도둑질이나 할것인가.. **...

Parking Mania

Parking Mania 挑戰你的空間掌握感與操作靈巧度,是 App Store 裡最令人慾罷不能的駕駛泊車遊戲! Parking Mania 上手輕鬆,但要成為泊位大師卻絕不是一步登天!無論是靈巧的超級跑車,或是笨重的大貨櫃車,你都要能駕馭它們! Parking Mania 提供 3 種操作方式...