

这是一款宠物养成的小游戏.主角当然就是俺最喜欢的 阿狸啦. 1.0版本: 1.提供几种食物来饲养阿狸.阿狸可以长高等. 2.阿狸可以打工和学习.(可以在后台运行,默认'否'.) 3.提供一个捡铜币的小游戏来赚取铜币. 4.抽奖系统.如果钱比较多了,就可以抽奖.抽奖可以得 到特殊属性,几率较低. 5....


The free Pet-Remote app only works in combination with a Pet-Remote device which is available at Pet-Remote offers a new and easy ...

Tappy pet

Wellcome to tapping pet world!Tappy pet is a small, funny game, easy to control by just tapping to the screen. The objective is to control the tortois...

Tigger Pet

Tigger Pet is a game where you take care of a tigger virtual, play with her and observe him. The game has a shop with varieties of species, and chase ...

Pets talk

Take funny animals pictures with you everywhere. Hundreds of funny animals photos with captions, updated daily. Upload your own pets’ photos. Share wi...

Pets Linkup

Game Task:To cancel two same cartoon icons by linking them with straight lines. If all the icons disappear within the time, user wins.Purpose:It can t...