tourist refund scheme


This convenient app helps you to prepare for a journey. Make up packing lists with Tourist.Features:• Categorize items with tags• Search through items...

kt tourist reward for you

"用手機輕鬆體驗優質免稅購物的無限樂趣!kt tourist reward for Tourist手機應用程式以電子退稅方式提供簡便的退稅服務,還能透過選擇購物地區與商品選單,迅速查詢可提供退稅服務的商店。kt tourist reward電子會員卡功能讓您免除攜帶實體會員卡的繁瑣,購買商品時,只需...

Jerusalem Tourist

Jerusalem is one of the most beautiful and historic cities in the world.It is a maven and a haven for all tourist.Enjoy a preview of Jerusalem with th...


A physics based game, where the objective is to stack your falling object as high as possible. You can apply a horizontal force, and rotation to the f...

Trophy Hunt

Chaos in the wilderness the wildlife are running scared?A Stag looks up it hears rustling in the tall grass? A finger impatiently waits to pull on a t...