Standard Russisch
Langenscheidt dictionaries - dictionaries, phrasebooks and reference products for school, home, office, and travel from the most internationally renow...
Langenscheidt dictionaries - dictionaries, phrasebooks and reference products for school, home, office, and travel from the most internationally renow...
Langenscheidt dictionaries - dictionaries, phrasebooks and reference products for school, home, office, and travel from the most internationally renow...
Langenscheidt dictionaries - dictionaries, phrasebooks and reference products for school, home, office, and travel from the most internationally renow...
This app provides a reference guide on technologies and standards for broadcast video engineers or those who simply are interested in broadcast video....
你是屌丝吗:是一款测试小游戏.游戏中,这里有屌丝的十大条件,你符合屌丝的哪些条件?你是准屌丝,标准屌丝,强势屌丝,极品屌丝还是屌霸?,赶快来测试一下,马上见分晓!等待游戏加载完毕点击开始测试.做完十大测试题,看看你是什么屌丝称号.肯定有你意想不到的结果,赶快来参与其中吧免費玩最新屌丝标准大测试 AP...
aMazing will provide entertainment for everyone.Use the accelerometer to drive the ball through the maze.Just watch out for the walls, they will get y...
eos, the remote for JRiver Media Center, puts control of your Library Server in the palm of your hand. Browse your library, control playback, modify y...
★快速知道你的生活工作環境是否被噪音汙染★★★★你被噪音吵的睡不著嗎?你的工作環境會損害健康嗎?你有個討厭的通宵喧鬧的鄰居嗎?快使用噪音測試儀吧,如果你的工作生活環境超過了國家規定的標准,那你可以考慮管管他們了.★★★★公共場所 健康->最低的噪音標准★臥室 白天 ...
随时随地检测环境分贝! 一款利用手机麦克风来测量环境噪声、分贝(dB)大小的软件,测试后将显示一个数值供参考。通过这款小工具,你就能够轻松的测量出当前环境的噪声水平,操作简单、使用方便。当周围环境的分贝值过高,会对人的心理及生理产生危害,噪音对听力功能也会有损。所以最好不要长时间暴露在这样的噪声之下...
Ball Drop Calculator Height And Speed Calculation. It is said that Galileo (1564-1642) dropped balls of various weights from the top of the Leaning To...