

Swaras is an app which generates Carnatic (South Indian classical) music phrases (without gamakams/oscillations) for different ragas (scales).- Each t...


The SWARA services are now under major revamp. You can check out the services at https://lh6.ggpht.com/xL6PUcwf-NNQplHtWHShAaCCD3IXpZ1pUEKglFEJ884fbfq...


A core philosophy meant to reinstate Lokmanya Tilak’s famous words, “Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it,” but in today’s context. Social acti...

Swarovski GIF

Swarovski GIF 手機應用閃爍登場,以聲光魅影特效打造春季全新互動體驗。[聲光魅影GIF]為配合2012春季「聲光魅影」系列隆重登場,Swarovski特別推出全新手機應用,讓大中華區的水晶迷可透過充滿甜美色彩及復古元素的特效,製作各式動態GIF照片,在聲光魅影下一同展現閃爍魅力!即日起下...

汽车驾驶技巧-省油 换挡 转弯

娴熟的驾驶技术,决定了汽车的性能发挥。若是以驾驶为乐趣,就不在于片面追求车辆的配置与性能,而是通过自己的驾控技巧,让车子性能充分发挥。虽然其结果也是因人而异,因不同领悟能力及反应力差异,但努力提高驾控技巧,不仅有利于爱车的性能苛护,更涉及到自身及他人的安全保障。 本软件介绍汽车驾驶技巧,开车省油技巧...

Nike Soccer

Nike Soccer is a free app that helps you play more soccer. Join a game near you, start a game with friends, and get the latest Nike product before any...