Aqua Salza
Aqua Salza Golling – das ist ein fantastischer Wellnesstraum inmitten der imposanten Salzburger Bergkulisse.Ob sprudelig warme 36 Grad Celsius im Whir...
Aqua Salza Golling – das ist ein fantastischer Wellnesstraum inmitten der imposanten Salzburger Bergkulisse.Ob sprudelig warme 36 Grad Celsius im Whir...
씨디네트웍스의 동영상 플레이어 Aqua Player가 모바일 버전으로 출시되었습니다.교육, 영화, 방송 등의 동영상 콘텐츠를 대상으로 다양한 기능과 프리미엄급 재생 품질을 보장하는 모바일 서비스 전용 플레이어입니다.이제 Aqua Player의 명성을 모바일에서도 이어나...
An educational and entertaining game for preschoolers with beautiful sea life graphics, interactive animations and interesting games. Your child will ...
這是一個在限制時間內,每讓3顆寶石串連起來就能消除它們益智遊戲。當3顆以上相同顏色的寶石連成一直線或橫線時,寶石就會消失。越多組的寶石消失,Power就會越大,你就可以利用不同的Skill。利用Skill來得到更高的分數吧!!時間棒一移到最左端,遊戲就會Game Over。***Skill有4種**...
Aqua Tiles is passionate about helping you to create your perfect dream home. We aim to provide one window solution to your kitchen, bathroom, tiles &...
03/12/2015 - No future updates planned for this app. Please refer to Aqua Plants 2 for the new, improved version. ***************Aquarium plants are a...
A puzzle that allows you to play around with colors and shapes like never. A game that is as fun to play as it is challenging. Be creative and form di...
Smart Statusbar是当前Android首个也是唯一一个可以让您在全银幕界面中重新调出Statusbar的软件. 您只需要在银幕顶端轻轻一拉,Statusbar就会重新显示出来,以利您在玩游戏看电影看书等情况下查看时间,电量,消息等等。 想像一下您正在等待某个时间的情况下观赏电影同时您需要...
Smart ObjectRecognition ist ein Programm zum Testen von OpenCV 's Feature Detektor, Descriptor Extractor und Descriptor Matcher. Die Bedienung ist...
Smart Statusbar是當前Android首個也是唯一一個可以讓您在全銀幕界面中重新調出Statusbar的軟體. 您只需要在銀幕頂端輕輕一拉,Statusbar就會重新顯示出來,以利您在玩遊戲看電影看書等情況下查看時間,電量,消息等等。想像一下您正在等待某個時間的情況下觀賞電影同時您需要知...