surgeon simulator 2013攻略

外科医生 Surgeon Simulator

【注意】 该款游戏需要另229M数据包,下载链接在描述最后面。《外科医生 Surgeon Simulator》是一款模拟外科手术的游戏,游戏中融合了B级片版的血腥画面,并且还带有一点点的黑色幽默风格,玩家主要是扮演的是一位外科医生,而任务就是帮助病人做各种手术,当然手术的话,自然少不了开颅或是开膛等...

Touch Surgery

Touch Surgery was developed to improve the quality of heathcare worldwide and make the best of surgical education and medical training available to ev...

Brain surgery

This old man is having some big problems at his brain that is why you need to treat his brain before the problem is getting bigger!In this virtual sur...

Leg surgery

In this new leg surgery game you have to take care the patient who just had a accident! His skin from his leg is all broken and the flesh and the bloo...