super tools

Super Tools

Super Tools is a collection of many convenient tools. User can use those tools for their daily purpose. All tools are easy to use and they have nice u...

FTC Miner Tool

This application is a tool for Feathercoin (FTC) miners. It allow you to track your miner activity on feathercoin pools using JSON API link. I created...


It's a utility that will send to voice mail any calls that the caller id number reported is not in our contact list.Other functionality is planned...

Bloatware Remover

設計凍結預裝系統英國媒體報導應用程序。凍結或卸載任何系統保護的應用程序,只需點擊一下,可以防止他們在後台運行,消耗你的數據帶寬,電池壽命。您可以解凍他們在任何時候只要按一下帶回保存數據。要求:☆根深蒂固的訪問☆的Android 2.0-4.x版☆一些宏達設備的NAND解鎖主要特點:☆凍結(或禁用)一...