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This app was developed for use by a highly specific demographic category. If you do not understand the value or purpose of this app simply by reading ...


Do you like to travel, moving between relatively distant geographical locations? No matter what your purpose is or how long it may take, with whatever...


What makes a quiz question interesting? It should ask about an appealing fact from an unexpected source. In other words, a history quiz should have qu...


Daily trivia facts!Includes a huge searchable database of trivia facts!Do you know the names of the three wise monkeys? They are: Mizaru (See no evil)...


一個以視覺識別圖案技能的測試 - 三正。一個會上癮,適合所有年齡層玩家,刺激大腦訓練的益智拼圖遊戲。與時間競賽,根據形狀,顏色,填充和數量,組合一組三個的標誌。通過越來越複雜的經典模式,收集積分和紅利,當情況變得艱難時,以換取生命。與臉書和推特上的朋友分享你的高分數,以獲得額外的獎勵積分。 與最多四...


好心情,好身材,好景色,大胆晒出来吧! Sunshine是一款基于图片分享的社交APP,用户无需注册,不用填写任何个人信息,在匿名条件下即可在Sunshine中晒出自己愿意分享的照片。支持相册、拍照上传。用户也可以对别人的分享进行评论哦! 更有同城功能,探索在同一城市的TA在晒什么好东西~ Don'...