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My Apps

Save the name and link on Play.Google of the apps installed by you, in a file.Share the list of applications, with your friends or save it in a safe p...

My Apps

Do you have too many apps installed? Maybe you are not able to make head of huge amount of icons? Spend too much time looking for your favorite games ...


STELLAR is an amazing tool: to unlock the world around you. This app allows you to see so much more from your favourite magazines, posters, mail and b...


sayfree 是一款匿名社交網絡, 用戶可同時操作多個筆名帳戶,展現自己不同的興趣及情感。透過sayfree, 你可以匿名分享心底話, 結識趣味相投, 尋找心靈相通的筆友,建立真誠的人際關係。 不論你想實名分享,或匿名表達,Sayfree都可以讓你同時操作, 有任何不方便分享在傳統社交網絡的內容,...


Unique and simple apps managment.The first cover flow app manager. "Apps" is a simple way to manage your applications.Similar to popular Advanced Task...