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索尼Xperia Z3国行

相比苹果对中国市场的怠慢,索尼则会表现不同的态度,准备将自己最新发布的旗舰Xperia Z3率先在大陆市场开卖。日前,该机的移动版本已经亮相官网,并且按照知情人士的爆料称,索尼Xperia Z3行货将首发上市,预计在9月15日-20日左右可以买到,而手机的价格则据称与Xperia Z2首发售价持平。...


FitzRays is certainly one of London’s hidden gems. It stands amidst the sea of businesses that has become the new downtown core focused around the Bud...

Rai Music

With this app you can find the 10 most popular Rai Artists. Artists like: Cheb Khaled, Cheb Mami, cheb Anouar, Cheb Nasro, Cheb Hasni and many more. Y...