《索尼Smart Watch SmartWatch》这是Sony SmartWatch的官方应用程式。您必须安装此应用程式才能使用SmartWatch装置。它可让您搜寻新的Android Market应用程式、变更设定及啟用/停用下载的应用程式、变更内建振动提示的设定、设定萤幕亮度等。注意︰此应用程...
《索尼Smart Watch SmartWatch》这是Sony SmartWatch的官方应用程式。您必须安装此应用程式才能使用SmartWatch装置。它可让您搜寻新的Android Market应用程式、变更设定及啟用/停用下载的应用程式、变更内建振动提示的设定、设定萤幕亮度等。注意︰此应用程...
ING Smart Banking for smartphoneHow does it work?Create a profile code (6 digits) with your ING Card Reader when you first log in.This code is all you...
Smart Banking is a modern and simple application newly controlled by gestures. Move the screen up and down, left or right and make your work with the...
ING Smart Banking for smartphone How does it work? Create a profile code (6 digits) with your ING Card Reader when you first log in. This code is all ...
Aplicación de Jabad Lubavitch Argentina, pensada para que puedas estar conectado desde cualquier lugar con tu judaísmo.· Entérate de cuál es la Parshá...
Smart Banking is a modern and simple application newly controlled by gestures. Move the screen up and down, left or right and make your work with the ...
This is used with the smart wristband. By using Bluetooth 4.0, it connects with the wristband and upload user's activity data to the phone.This ap...
Připravili jsme pro Vás Smart Banking aplikaci, která je určena pro chytré telefony.Po stažení aplikace z Google Play ji aktivujte v internetovém bank...
Возможности SMARTBANK:• Управление своими счетами независимо от местонахождения; • Просмотр последних совершенных операций, а также проверка остатка н...
SmartBank is Santander’s student mobile banking app. Created in partnership with Santander Universities, it gives you simple, useful breakdowns of whe...