sony ps3耳機


耳机设置助理允许您自定义耳机按键的操作,并有大量其他耳机相关的功能。耳机设置助理运行在后台,但消耗的CPU和电量微乎其微,所以不用担心很费电。 音频/音量功能: 1指定要控制的目标媒体播放器 2分离音量将会在插入/拔出耳机时记住并恢复媒体音量 3听觉保护允许您限制音量 4音量重置再增大将会基于按住延...

Jabro ®

Jabro®-app update 1.3 features new products and services. The Jabro®-Solid² new generation products are now available with new square endmill 510 seri...

Water Saver

Water Saver v1.0This is a small game using face tracking technology.The Earth is lack of water now. Make the little wizard a water saver!1) Front came...

Water Ringtoss

Still remember the game Water Ringtoss which you were so absorbed in as to forget food and sleep? It was not only simple but also so much fun. We once...