Willing Ball
Что может быть круче, чем лично истребить полчище врагов?! Только сделать это чужими руками! Хитрость, реакция и тактический талант - вот оружие насто...
To watch Will Stevens' exciting new video powered by Augmented Reality, simply install the app, download the augmented reality trigger and voila! ...
Will, the greatest adventurer of all times, is now between life and death and needs your help to escape from a haunted castle. Lead him through the da...
SHE – Smart Home EnergyEl Hogar Digital es un entorno inteligente que aprende y se adapta a las preferencias y necesidades de sus ocupantes. Uno de lo...
- 你有麦克风,报警声音或振动的选项,选择作为反馈- 麦克风灵敏度可在接收器调整- 事件如启动和停止应用程序,连接信息,休眠和噪声相位的持续时间被存储,并且可以以列表显示- 接收器会自动报警(声音输出)如果Bateriestatus变送器低于10 %- 接收器会自动报警(声音输出) ,当连接断开- ...
PayByPhone, the market leading pay by phone payment operator for parking, brings you the simple, secure and convenient way to pay for your parking.The...
The SOULcial prayer app dedicated to helping each other by sharing and praying together. Send your prayer requests via your phone, text or e-mail to P...
Tanto si eres una de las más de 13.000 personas que han usado SpyPhone 1.0 como si eres nuevo, prueba esta nueva versión. De aspecto y forma de utiliz...
If you own a device with android >2.0, TalkMyPhone is moving and becomes GtalkSMS. Control your phone from gtalk! Instructions to set up the app are o...