seven segment display driver

Show Codes

Entertain yourself with “Show Codes”!The rules are simple:Choose a music and dance show. Try to find, in a limited time, the code that gives you acces...

LED Display

It is an application program to which the scroll display can be done like the video billboard. When the display is done in the tap, it begins. It disc...


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导航犬-全球首款分男女的导航神器 出行神器,自驾神器

我们是中国在线式手机导航的NO.1,我们引领手机导航一个又一个的创新点!我们一次又一次的重新定义了导航!超过8000万的用户将与您一同见证我们的努力! 男生来自火星,女生来自金星,可为什么我们还要用着一样的导航软件?对这样的墨守成规Say NO!这一次导航犬将给您的地图导航带去史无前例的极致体验。 ...