

RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!Borg is a StarTrek inspired animation, simulating random Borg computer interfaces.I created this app to be used along with a Borg...

Borg Clock

Resistance is futile!This clock features Borg numerals, which uses a base-16 numbering system. The Borg language is written from top to bottom and in ...


特点7 个八度音阶的大钢琴钢琴和弦主调音区域为 415 – 466 赫兹内置节拍器节奏转换为每分钟 20 – 480 音符笔记名称 开/关B 或 H 选择器重播笔记 开/关向上或向下弹奏音阶//从上至下或从下至上向上移动音阶 – 向下 – 重复 - 只播放一次大调模式 – 收集来自大调模式的自然音...