
SAP Mobile

PENDOLARI!!! Dite addio alle vostre ricerche interminabili su internet,dite addio agli inutilissimi e scomodi fogli che dopo un po si rovinano o si pe...

SAP Jobs

Find the latest SAP Job listings retrieved from top job web sites (CareerJet, Indeed, SimplyHired, Monster,Naukri and all). Don't waste your time ...


Battle Royale 12 Corporate captains and their teams to clash for victory and glory in a unique cricket challenge in Rajasthan. The SAP-CEO India CEO C...

SAP Karaoke

This application supports searching songs in VIET KTV that the technology is being used in the most of karaoke bar of Viet Nam. This application consi...

SAP Mobile Documents

借助于 SAP Mobile Documents 移动应用(Android 版),可以随时随地安全访问个人和公司的所有文档及数据。与使用共享文件夹或电子邮件手动传输文件的方式相比,此应用更加便捷、易用,您可以随时随地访问个人计算机和公司文档管理系统中的文件并就这些文件与其他用户进行合作。SAP Mo...