s1185 3g模組


Roboman發送/接收信號到/從一個ARDUINO mu.c到其中的人形機器人連接。 特點: +頭部左/右 +眼睛(攝像頭)個別/共同左/右 +口開/常閉 傳感器: +超聲波測距儀(在嘴上) +立體聲麥克風左/右(在耳朵上) +溫度傳感器內部/外部(在鼻子上)免費玩RoboMan ARDUINO ...

DoBots Arduino

*** DEVELOPER VERSION ***This is an android AIM Module (to be used in the Dodedodo framework, see www.dodedodo.com) which controls an arduino robot ov...

Arduino GR

ArduinoGR RSS feeds!Stay tuned with the latest Arduino news from arduinogr.com blog! You can also use it as your custom rss feeder app.免費玩Arduino GR A...


Bluino is an andoid application that communicates via bluetooth to arduino to control a toy car, more than just controlling the direction (forward, re...