s health apk

S Health

S Health is a personal wellness application that collects and analyzes health data to assist users maintain a healthier lifestyle. The application is ...

Health Fitness By QOC

يهدف برنامج اللياقة والصحة الى قياس السعرات الحرارية اللازمة لجسم الانسان والتعريف باتباع النظم الغذائية الصحيحة والسليمة عن طريق معرفة العناصر الغذائ...


美国查询账户的一个理财类软件,让您更加了解自己的财政状况,健康理财! With the new Bank of America Health Android® app, you can check your Health Savings Account (HSA), Flexible Spendin...


Health allow you to track a lot of actions that you do every day. Some are good (do sport, eat vegetables, ...), some are bad (eat a snack, broke your...

DocScanner S

DocScanner S是一个非常快速的创建PDF文件的扫描仪应用程序。这是一个以高速度和高清晰 图像质量相结合的,高效率的应用程序。此外,它配备了全方位的导出选项,让您可以即时发 送和共享扫描的文档。DocScanner S是专为三星Galaxy S III设计的,在三星Galaxy S系列的智能...