rs232 terminal ubuntu

OTG UART 序列終端機 1.2 Free

這是一個將手機或平版 變成一個隨身攜帶的 UART/RS-232 測試工具,可不必再攜帶笨重的電腦或購買昂貴的 UART 測試儀器。如果你的手機或平版電腦有 USB OTG功能,只須下載本 APP 及 自備 USB OTG Cable 和 USB Serial Port,即可將你的手機或平板變成一個...


Buy resources while they are at a low price, then wait and sell them when the price increases.In Dope Wars you need to buy the cheapest drugs and sell...

Take Me Up

The objective of Take Me Up is to get your balloons as high as you can on the game board. The higher the balloon goes, the higher the points awarded. ...


In Dope Wars Resource Smuggler you must buy cheap resources from the market and sell them as expensive as you can. Travel to different locations to fi...