

Cette application est faite pour la station de ski Anzere. Vous pourrez trouver toutes les informations relatives à la stations : Commerce, Hotel, Méd...

ETH Founders

ETH Founders Community - Living Innovation and EntrepreneurshipDie ETH Founders Community ist eine Plattform zur Förderung der Kommunikation und Kolla...

HIIT Timer

HIIT Timer allows you to create your own High Intensity Interval(HIIT)/Circuit workout. It is the basis for workouts such as the Tabata, Gibala, Timmo...

GYMG Workouts

GymG Workouts is for fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilding pros, and weightlifting beginners. Exercise database 200+ exercises and more in later updates....

Фитнес дома

ФИТНЕС ДОМАМногие не могут посещать фитнес клуб по причине наличия маленьких детей. А "поплывшую" после родов фигурку надо восстанавливать и чем быстр...


論風水(Calc129)是一個計算风水的算命軟體。,根据方位显示玄空飞星。根據輸入房屋的入夥時間及其坐向,計算出運盤,山盤和向盤。坐向可以手工輸入或者通過電子羅盤獲取。最後可以根據三盤的基本資訊給出參考評述。KeyWords: 八字,五行,風水,玄学,道家,道教,命运,趋吉避凶- 完善了手動輸入坐向...