private Messages
Coreapps ‘private Messages’ is an SMS tool designed to enable users to send and receive encoded, private messages on any Android mobile phone.'pri...
Coreapps ‘private Messages’ is an SMS tool designed to enable users to send and receive encoded, private messages on any Android mobile phone.'pri...
This app - Private DIARY will help to you to record your life. It will save all your emotions and interests. You can entrust him all secrets. It has f...
Disappearing messages, on your terms! *Available on Droid and iOS* Privatext brings the privacy and comfort of a face to face conversation, right to y...
Selected in ADC 2 in the TOP 200! Worried about the privacy of your content on your phone?Private Media is the key. This application allows users to p...
This Private Diary is very useful for everyone.Using this app you can make your personal daily notes and save your personal data with password. This p...
NOTE: this app requires access to a Ricoh myPrint 2.4 environment. The Ricoh myPrint mobile printing app brings mobile printing functionality to your ...
妈咪!这里有三甲医院儿科医生,24h母婴专家团,不排队、不挂号,拿起电话轻松咨询。 超过120万妈咪在使用妈咪掌中宝!你还在等什么? 觉得好用,就给个五星好评吧,萌萌哒~~~ 【活动说明】 2014.9.13-2014.9.18,凡是在百度手机助手下载并注册的妈咪,就能获得三甲医院儿科医生24小时电...
妈咪!这里有三甲医院儿科医生,24h母婴专家团,不排队、不挂号,拿起电话轻松咨询。 超过120万妈咪在使用妈咪掌中宝!你还在等什么? 觉得好用,就给个五星好评吧,萌萌哒~~~ 【联系我们】 ; 软件官网: ; 官方微博:@妈咪掌中宝 ; 客服电话:0531-...
妈咪!这里有三甲医院儿科医生,24h母婴专家团,不排队、不挂号,拿起电话轻松咨询。超过120万妈咪在使用妈咪掌中宝!你还在等什么?觉得好用,就给个五星好评吧,萌萌哒~~~【联系我们】软件官网: ;官方微博:@妈咪掌中宝 ;客服电话:0531-67804172...
妈妈宝,杂志专为新手父母所精心策划,内容涵盖经期、安全期、怀孕、生产、育儿、亲子互动、预测新生儿身高等丰富专业知识。 我们为都市精英家庭呈现:最先进教育资讯、最前端医学研究、至优雅时尚资讯、国际化生活方式。 针对家长对不同年龄段的婴幼儿在生活照顾、疾病观察、营养喂养等方面的问题,邀请国内儿科各领域顶...