reversible data hiding


黑白棋(也叫反棋、奥赛罗棋、苹果棋或翻转棋)是一个规则简单但却充满挑战的双人策略棋牌游戏。游戏棋盘8横8列,双方各执一种颜色的棋子。 游戏的目标是翻转尽量多的对方棋子,游戏结束时己方颜色的棋子数量比对方多。在这个版本的黑白棋里,你可以和坐在你身边朋友一起玩,也可以和手机对战。游戏内置的人工智能机器可...


Reversi is a board game involving abstract strategy and played by two players on a board with 8 rows and 8 columns and a set of distinct pieces for ea...


This application is simple reversi and does not display an advertisement.Features1. One or Two player mode.2. Undo function.3. 10 difficulty levels.*R...


Play Reversi with your friendsYou can play online with Google Play Games or you can play in pass and play local mode.You can challenge 5 different com...


Reversi is a board game for 2 players. The goal is to finish the game with more pieces than the other opponents. Every turn the player put new piece i...

Snaps Encrypts Pictures

從今天起你所有的自拍,你的圖片,視頻和你最親密的時刻將是安全的!所有的圖片,你會從你的集成攝像頭,會自動在手機上遠離窺探隱藏!所有隱藏,所有加密,所有的秘密,一切平安!16級別的安全性之間進行選擇:兩種方式來保護你的時刻:  - 隱藏圖片  - 加密圖片兩種模式來啟動應用程序:  - 點擊應用程序圖...