
DocScanner S

DocScanner S是一个非常快速的创建PDF文件的扫描仪应用程序。这是一个以高速度和高清晰 图像质量相结合的,高效率的应用程序。此外,它配备了全方位的导出选项,让您可以即时发 送和共享扫描的文档。DocScanner S是专为三星Galaxy S III设计的,在三星Galaxy S系列的智能...


Warning: this app uses a lot of bandwidth (easily 20mb in 5 minutes of scrolling through posts), so be careful when using this app without wifi connec...

S P Birkon

This free Birkon follows the custom of the Spanish and Portuguese (Sephardi) Jews' Congregation of London, and includes:- Birkat Hamazon (Grace af...

S P Spare Parts

I cataloghi digitali S&P: un’ampia gamma di ricambi dedicata alle assistenze professionali per il bar e per la ristorazione collettivaI componenti per...

S T Job 3D

เป็นหนึ่งในกลยุทธ์การประชาสัมพันธ์งานมหกรรมรับสมัครงานด้านวิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี หรือ Science and Technology Job Fair (S&T Job Fair) ในการดึงดูดกลุ่ม...


IMPORTANT: Please update to our latest version (version 1.7.2) for some critical bug fixes.With S-unno, you can use your android phone to make phone c...

S S Rescue Pack

Now it contains First Aid instructions for emergency cases.S&S App has prepared to quick access useful tools for any time you need. Access the feature...