

Android app for Plattsburgh Dental Group featuring easy contact info, before & after photos and complete staff biographies. A must for existing patien...


It is a multilingual word puzzle with a lot of fun, humorous content. The goal is to put the words in the right order to make a sentence. The accent i...

Youda Survivor 2

在 PocketGamer 评选活动中荣获铜奖! 进入《Youda Survivor》的精彩续作,回到小岛,展开冒险,再次拯救你的友好部落!危险正潜伏在整个星球上,部落巫师需要你的帮助来转危为安、化险为夷。你将面临前所未有的挑战,你必须充分运用求生技能,坚持不懈,通过重重考验。近距离接触异域生物,学...