

形状是不是很熟悉?但这不是俄罗斯方块,而是需要你移动积木,将白色方格刚好填满才能过关。积木的移动线路会互相阻挡,后期关卡还要考虑移动的先后次序。游戏不复杂,可以锻炼一下眼力与结构思维。不妨一试。 【游戏说明】 点击操作移动彩色砖块,游戏加载完成后点击NEW GAME,再选择第一关后按下ok开始游戏,...

Sweet Ant

Venha se divertir no jogo de maior sucesso dos últimos tempos. Sweet Ant, Essa grande mania onde você tem que impedir as formigas de atacar o seu doce...


an interactive application about information technology for grade 7 student in MOE Kuwait برنامج تفاعلي عن المعلوماتية لطلبة الصف السابع في وزارة التر...


Optia is the first-ever app to enable remote support between smartphone users. With Optia, smartphone owners having trouble figuring out how to use a ...