powerdvd 12 極致藍光版

PowerDVD Mobile v3 適用於極致版

PowerDVD Mobile是由研發出全球NO.1、影音媒體播放軟體—PowerDVD的訊連科技所全新推出。PowerDVD Mobile所擁有的創新功能,不僅支援影片、音樂及相片播放,還能讓您在Android平板裝置與電腦端的PowerDVD之間進行媒體分享。主要功能- 將電腦端PowerDVD...


Power Group Android cihazlarda!Power FM, Powerturk FM ve Power XL ve Power Love radyolarını kesintisiz dinle, Podcast'leri dinle, Powerturk TV'...


Pow is a virtual pet that needs your care.You have to wash him, feed him, play with him and sometimes he just needs to rest and sleep.Rooms!- Bathroom...

PowerDVD Remote

PowerDVD Remote能讓您的Android手機或平板裝置搖身一變成為PowerDVD無線遙控器。透過PowerDVD Remote,即可在行動裝置上,無線傳送、播放或儲存內容至個人電腦中。 你能將電腦與電視進行連結,坐臥在沙發上,擁有大螢幕震撼觀影體驗,並操作PowerDVD Remote...

Chagаll HD

★80% MEGA SALE JUST FOR THE WEEKENDS★COMPLETE CHAGALL COLLECTION - 986 PAINTINGS" ...whatever your taste in art, from Renaissance to the Impressionist...

Godward HD

★Special 75% SALE★ " ...whatever your taste in art, from Renaissance to the Impressionist, from Europe to Asia, if you are an art lover Overdamped pro...