pornichet beach

Seaside Salon

Summer is always an exciting time, especially for young girls, because in this beautiful season, we can go to SEASIDE to enjoy the most amazing time!!...

Seaside show

Summer time is over but not in all parts of the world. Clarissa is going to spend a week in the posh island of Hawaii. In this game you have the oppor...

Meetrip Okinawa

由居住在冲绳岛的日本当地人为您提供的当地导游服务,包括从著名观光景点到旅游指南上没有登载的好去处。 另外,虽然仅提供英语服务,但是只要有简单的日常英语口语水平就可以沟通了。 (旅行的时候正是练习英语口语的好机会!) 不想参加旅游团,希望按照自己的步调在日本旅行,不仅想去观光景点还想去旅游指南上没有登...