The Animal Alphabet
The Animal Alphabet introduces children to the alphabet with the use of animation, catchy songs, and live action animal videos from the National Geogr...
The Animal Alphabet introduces children to the alphabet with the use of animation, catchy songs, and live action animal videos from the National Geogr...
內容介紹 : 《殺手-殭屍之城2:起源》強勢回歸,有別以往、更加不同反響!! 大獲好評的《殺手:殭屍之城》續集來了!這回你將扮演伊芙琳,一舉將避風天堂研究中心裡大群殭屍掃除乾淨,並找出爆發殭屍潮的源頭。 第三人稱視角之下自由移動的動作遊戲! 探索室內和戶外的眾多區域 高品質的3D圖像! 在最新設備...
※This game is playable on iOS 5.1.1 and higher.----------------------------------------High-quality game that has been downloaded over 7 million times...
**Awarded third "Best Artistic App of 2011" on**Draw(er) is a sketching/drawing app, with a twist. The various tools give you a new pe...
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**Awarded third "Best Artistic App of 2011" on**Draw(er) is a sketching/drawing app, with a twist. The various tools give you a new pe...
GTD Task Manager is a TODO app that will improve your efficiency by tracking your tasks priorities and status. Tasks can be grouped in Projects, so yo...
關於Luxy 結合luxury(奢華)與sexy(性感)的全新型態複合式娛樂夜店「LUXY」,面積佔地千坪、挑高十米。浮華卻不失精緻的裝潢,以及尊重個人隱私的貴賓式規劃,搭配金獎主廚所精心調配的美味佳餚,和國內最傑出的吧台團隊,烘托出LUXY 式令人垂延的奢華性感。此外,劃分多廳的貼心格局,更能配...