
SMS Backup +

Automatically backup SMS, MMS and call log entries using a separate label in Gmail / Google Calendar. It is also possible to restore SMS and call log ...

PIM Tool

PIM Tool is a mobile and web application that functions as an organizer of information, applications, and environments enabling you to integrate direc...

SMS Backup

This application easily enables you to create a backup of your SMS messages.The application will save your SMS messages to html-files, which are easy ...

SMS BackUp

SMS BackUp! lets you backup your SMS conversations in very simple way in well-designed chat bubbles .html format right to your SD card. You can then e...


«L’applicazione propone:- Dei Live : vota, tweetta, scopri i segreti della collezione PIMKIE.- Novità e selezioni dei nostri stili: scopri ogni settim...


Die App bietet:- Live-Funktionen: abstimmen, tweeten, hinter die Kulissen der PIMKIE-Kollektionen schauen.- Neuheiten und die Auswahl unserer Styliste...


La aplicación propone:- Acciones Live: vota, tuitea y cuélate entre las bambalinas de las colecciones PIMKIE.- Novedades y selección de nuestros estil...