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Google Currents

*** 欢迎体验 Google Play 书报摊,这个最新的应用程序可让您尽情饱览您喜爱的所有新闻和网志,以及您的潮流同步订阅内容! *** Google Currents 为您速递精美的杂志式期刊到平板电脑和智能手机,让您可以快速浏览,即使脱机也能阅读。各项功能包括: * 出版商期刊 - 福布斯 ...

Google Currents

Google Play 書報攤是最新的個人刊物園地,專門收錄您最喜愛的新聞、雜誌、網誌等內容。「書報攤」已經全面更新,並取代了 Google 潮流同步 (已不再開放下載或使用),如果您是「潮流同步」的現有使用者,請注意,您的所有訂閱內容都會立即轉移到「書報攤」中,您可以在「書報攤」中繼續瀏覽這些內容...


Fotograph is a mobile application which comes handy when you immediately need a passport size , stamp size or photos for your marriage certificate , L...


SensoGraph is a free app that shows you real-time interactive graphs of data from your device's sensors. It supports all common sensors and despit...


Review/analyze up to 30 minutes of cached data, and see real time FFT frequency analysis of incoming readings! This is the free version of the app wit...