panono ball camera

Magic Ball

How often do you make important decisions or ask wise advice?Using the legendary Magic Ball, you can make decisions in any situation: just ask a quest...

Magic Ball Camera

每次單手自拍,照片總是不對稱;一群人看鏡頭,總是有人會搞不清楚定時拍照秒數,拍到各種怪臉照;總是嫌棄前置鏡頭畫素過低,但是使用後置鏡頭又搞不清快門在哪裡。別擔心,Magic Ball Camera滿足你自拍的需求,只要將手機放置在腳架固定,輕鬆按下ROWA Magic Ball魔力自拍球,即可拍出各...

Magical Ball

The famous Magical Ball! Fun way to predict the future. You can not make a final decision? Shake the Magical Ball and trust his answer!All requests le...