origami flowers rose


Step by step directions on how to fold a variety of origami figures.Most figures are in the beginner to intermediate range.This is my first app, so pl...


Create your own personalized shop. The first 1000 downloads will receive a 1000 Yen off coupon from their shopping on origami! Coupon code "hello-goog...


If you want to learn the art of origami, you have just arrived to the origami app number one for mobile phones and tablets. Here you will learn all te...

Origami Club

133 origami, 8 categories.Origami is the one of Japanese traditional cultures and widely known as its beauty and cleverness. This is just like other J...


"OK, so everyone can fold paper in half. What’s so exciting about that?" you may say. But you’ll soon think differently when you learn more about the ...

Origami Instructions

圣诞版!千万不要错过! 拿一张纸,使一些褶皱和折痕和可爱的狗或猫,或花已准备就绪。 “你是魔术师吗?” - 有人问你。不,这不是一招或魔。这是你的幻想和创造力。你认为只有非常聪明的人能做到这一点?不,你也可以做到。 折纸,折纸艺术,易于学习和所有年龄的人可以享受。一旦你知道的基本技巧,你会惊讶于如何...