optimus prime 怎麼念

Prime Calc

PrimeCalc - free scientific symbolic calculator- 70 functions, 20 mathematical constants and up to six variables- New functions and constants can be d...

Prime Factors

A handy app that will factorize any number you throw at it within seconds, up to 19 digits. Main focus is simple, clean, holo UI. User experience is o...

RTHK Prime

《RTHK Prime》是香港電台新媒體拓展組製作的平板電腦應用程式,用戶可於 Google Play 免費下載及安裝於Android Tablet內,並按喜好從內容清單中選取喜愛的內容頻道,隨時隨地透過 Wi-Fi或3G網絡瀏覽、收看。《RTHK Prime》精選香港電台內容,以全新排版及瀏覽方式...