online english chinese translation


What is Collage? With more than 2.000.000 users in total, Collage makes it easy and fun to arrange images, pictures and photos on your smartphone or t...


Convenient, free translator * Translate text into over sixty languages!* Use the voice recognition feature. * Save translations in handy vocabularies ...


"Translate" is a fast way to look for words in different languages. Supports all 53 languages in Google Translate API. Translates simultaneously in 2 ...


Retrieve the synonym for every word. If available you will get antonyms, related terms, similar word and user suggestions too. Tap one of the results ...


An application that uses Google's translation service to translate between more than 150 language pairs. This new version will require access to your ...


Translate words and phrases between more than 20 languages. For english, french, spanish, german and italian, you can hear the phrases or words to tra...

Mining dictionary

MMEG ХХК нь Монголд анх удаа уул уурхайн мэргэжилтэнүүдийн тусламжтайгаар хөгждөг чөлөөт толь бичгийн аппликейшнийг танилцуулж байна. Уул уурхайн толь...