nxt bluetooth android

NXT Remote

Use this app to remotely control your NXT robot. The instructions here below:Make sure Bluetooh is turned on on both devices, and go to the bluetooth ...

Remote NXT

The application is for controlling Lego Mindstorms NXT version.The app has a joystick as well as arrows to control the robot.The app can give the sens...

NXT Control

An app to control the NXT robot from Lego Mindstorms.Main controls for the software inside,Now with engine control too!Press the Engine control button...

Android手機控制NXT機器人 基本功能

【功能】1.讓使用者操作「前、後、左、右及原地迴轉」功能。2.使用者也可以調整馬達的行走速度。【操作步驟】1.開啟NXT主機的藍牙功能。2.開啟行動裝置的藍牙功能並與NXT主機配對 。3.組裝一台樂高機器人(二個馬達,可暫時不加裝感測器)。4.「行動裝置」與「樂高機器人」連線。5.「樂高機器人」可以...