
Photo-Key-Reader Light


Off-delay Light

Very useful before sleeping, just launch this tool and click "Start", it will turn on your camera flashlight or screen, and automatically turn them of...

Party Light

Party Light is for those who love being the center of attention, we've got you covered with Party Light! It's the original light show app that turns y...


全台灯会首创的云端互动区-「扩增实境科技互动猜灯谜」。结合最新AR扩增实境科技,将传统猜灯谜与现代网路科技结合,只需事先于活动官网下载专属APP,民众即可于现场透过自己的手机或平板电脑感应现场装置,即可看动画;猜灯谜;集金币;抽大奖 【参加办法】 1. 有智慧型手机或平板电脑者,请先上网连线至灯会官...