
Slide Freak

Slide Freak is a puzzle game, developed by neoGroup. there are 9 different numbers are placed in a 3x3 matrix. Your task is to find the one row or one...

Slide CONy

Let's enjoy the exciting sliding feelings with CONy!## Prologue ##-This application is available for OS over Android 2.2## Introduction ##SlideCON...

Slide whistle

This is a slide whistle / slide flute app.It has a range of two octaves, with the central frequency at 880Hz (A5) and goes from 440 (A4) to 1760Hz (A6...

Sliding blocks

The goal of the game is gaining as much points as you can before the field is filled with blocks and you aren't able to make a move.The game field...

手机简历 [中文]

还在PC上发简历吗,别Out了,现在50%的招聘都在手机上进行,赶快下载手机简历吧!--手机简历 - 5秒钟导入生成手机简历,免去重新创建简历的麻烦;--手机简历 - 给您一份漂亮的图形化简历,让hr过目难忘;--手机简历 – 分享到微信朋友圈,让朋友帮您找工作--手机简历 – 神一般的速度,导出简...




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