LogN는 본인이 가입한 웹사이트에 아이디와 비밀번호 대신 스마트폰 인증을 통해 로그인함으로써, 본인의 개인정보가 유출되어 타인에 의한 본인 명의/계정이 도용되거나 불법으로 로그인 되는 것을 방지할 수 있고, 웹사이트의 계정정보를 분실하더라도 스마트폰만 휴대하고 있으면...
A SCUBA diver's logbook application, recording all details of SCUBA dives, including location (with GPS coordinates), dive times, conditions, equi...
SCUBA Log is like the Foursquare of diving. Instead of checking in to bars and bragging about it - log a dive and tell all your friends. With simple l...
Stocks for Android brings you FREE access to real-time, streaming quotes right to your pocket. Track market moves and receive comprehensive news cover...
Stocks for Android brings elegance and simplicity to the roller coaster ride of investing. You will be surprised by how much more money you can make w...
Access the power of CNBC on your smartphone. CNBC’s app delivers real-time streaming stock market quotes throughout the day, with options for both pre...
MarketWatch, published by Dow Jones & Co., tracks the pulse of markets for engaged investors. As a leading innovator in business news, personal financ...