msi super charger 功能

SnooZy Charger

SnooZy Charger is a Power Connection manager. The app turns the screen off on power connection or disconnection, to save battery consumption by the ph...


Gargeer is a free service that allows consumers to browse all supermarkets grocery flayers, do their grocery pre-shopping, create their shopping list,...

WIFI Charger

无线充电到来啦!!! 现在我们的身边充满了各种无线网络 WiFi网络由电磁波来运作的 不同的Wifi网络可以覆盖了200米远 为了确保网络覆盖的WIFI接入点发出的功率的需要。最普遍的WiFi网络(802.11及其变种)在-70和-90 dBm的之间的范围内使用的功率高达10PW发射。 WIFI充电...