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En este san Valentín atrévete a enviar a tu enamorada/o las postales más románticas que tendrás a disposición, en tu dispositivo mira selecciona y env...


Hi all, recent update from Pinterest (ver 2.0) has caused user to unable to pin images using Wallo. we are working on a work around for this issue. in...

Papa Jumba

The Papa Jumba Soundboard by Appliment brings a ton of snippets from KevJumba videos featuring his dad.With the ability to set these as ringtones and ...

Papa Joe's

Papa Joe's offers the best hand spun homemade pizza around. Papa Joe's has been located in downtown Durand, MI for decades and reopened in Nov...

C++ Programming Reference FREE

完整的C + +语言编程的快速参考卡,编程语言培训手册 移动带给你,让学习或检查任何你想要在旅途中使用的可能性。不要把时间浪费在交通运输,使用手机和研究,并检查任何你想要的。=========内容:=========C + +快速参考卡-------------------------+预处理器。常...