momentum on-ear pink

Ear Trainer

Ear Trainer is designed to aid an aspiring musician in learning to read sheet music and pick notes out by ear. It features three modes including a pra...

DIY Earrings

DIY (Do it yourself) is building, modifying, or repairing something without the aid of experts or professionals. This application provides DIY earring...


Momentum is a very simple game modeled after a wheel of fortune, or spin the bottle. In addition, you can use this app as a helper in other games, e.g...


Das Spielprinzip ist so einfach wie simpel:Stoße den Ball so dicht wie möglich an die Decke, ohne das diese berührt wird.Durch halten deines Fingers a...


概要本アプリはタイムラプス撮影(微速度撮影)を行うアプリケーションです利用方法開始startボタンを押下で録画開始します停止録画停止します設定ビットレートおよび動画の画質の設定を行います-ビットレート 4fpsから35fpsの間で設定可能です-動画の画質 動画の画質は以下の項目から選択します 108...