


Med.My provides the platform for you to communicate with licensed medical doctors at anytime and anywhere. Get help by receiving reliable and trustwor...


Aus der Laborwerten PSA werden die- PSADT (Verdoppelungszeit )- PSAV (Geschwindigkeit)berechnet.Es können max. 3 Werte gespeichert und in einer log. V...

Text Voter

Send the same SMS message many times with Text Voter.This app is great for text voting on TV shows like X-Factor and the like. With Text Voter, you ca...

Scrum Voter

Tired of using self made paper to show your story points vote in a scrum meeting?Use your phone!This really simple app allows you to show your story p...


Application of the band Eminence. With it you can hear the band's music anywhere and much more!Some Features: - Player music online with streaming...