

This is a re-creation of a 1979 text adventure for small computers. In 1979, most affordable personal computers did not have a lot of memory. One of t...

Quest Player

Quest Player позволяет играть в текстовые игры, созданные поклонниками жанра интерактивной литературы. Скачав программу, вы получаете доступ к опублик...

Gift Quest

Gift are the way to show our love and appreciation to our loved ones, friends and colleagues. But, how many times we find yourself perplexed and confu...

Qais Quest

How far would you go to reach back home?Play as Qais the Knight as you fight, dive, fly and slay your enemy across 30 levels of stunning environment a...


有那么一瞬间,发现斜阳照进厨房的光线是那么的妖娆.原来,所谓的“黄脸婆”,是心态,而不是面容.喜欢烘焙,不只是因为品尝一刻的甜美,更多的还有创作和分享的过程,以及我们对生活无限的热爱. 为您提供全面而健康的烘焙方法; 为您分享最全最靠谱的原创烘焙食谱,让我们心爱的烘焙成为最独特的烘焙; 为每一位热爱...